Then, when our eyes do perceive that object in a sensory way (meaning we can see it), our brain has already laid the framework for a smooth transition. It knows where your eyes are going to move next, and it forms an image of the object that precedes our conscious, visual perception of it. That sounds a little complicated, but the process itself is pretty straightforward (and ingenious): Before your eyes actually sense an object, your brain takes its own picture of that object for comparison purposes. To achieve a stable view despite quick eye movements, the eyes do an amazing thing: They take before and after shots of every focused image and compare them in order to confirm stability. Scientists have known about and even understood this phenomenon for decades. The world remains stable no matter how quickly or erratically we change our focus. But for most of us, our eyes - the video cameras of our brain, if you will - suffer no unstable transition as they move quickly over a scene. In all but the steadiest hands, there's an unstable transition between one focused object and the next.

#Part of thebrain that helps keep eyes focused on one thing movie#
If you've ever made your own movie using a camcorder, you've probably noticed that the picture can be pretty shaky as you move from one image to the next. Now, scientists may have finally discovered how.

To achieve stability despite quick eye movements, the eyes take before and after shots of an image and compare them.